What we did

Website Design & Build


Adopt a Golden Atlanta is a non-profit rescue organization dedicated to finding homes for Golden Retrievers. Our challenge for their website was to create a more user-friendly experience for their devoted followers & potential adopters, both in terms of usability & design. Our approach focused on creating a more intuitive content structure while breathing new life into their charming illustration-style branding, transforming it into a lovable website without sacrificing on functionality, all in an effort to support their goodhearted work to find homes for their orphaned pups.

Who They Are

Meet the client

Adopt a Golden Atlanta is a non-profit, volunteer organization that works to find loving permanent homes for Golden Retrievers of all medical needs & ages. They are the largest Golden Retriever rescue in the Southeast, serving Georgia & surrounding states.

The Challenge

Disorganized potential.

When they came to us, AGA had already had a lot of success in growing a faithful & devoted following via social media, but their website was not up to the same standards. While they had a wealth of information & charming custom illustrations that carried a lot of potential, it lacked the right structures & relied on outdated design techniques, creating a difficult environment for users to navigate. Helpful information was bogged down by a lack of solid design hierarchy, making it overwhelming & difficult to digest. Importantly, the website did not break down responsively, making it nearly impossible to use on a mobile device.

The Solution

A creative approach to structure & responsiveness.

Through working with AGA, we were able to design & build a site that their pups deserve. Repurposing their custom-made illustrations allowed us to maintain the lovability & warmth that their devoted followers expected without sacrificing responsiveness, while our work in re-organizing their site architecture & content structure created an easier user experience.

UX/UI Design
Web Development
Web Hosting
The Final Product

A website worthy of their pups.

Through our creative approach to restyling their branding elements & our understanding of how users could best navigate the content, we came up with a warm & friendly website that showcases the creative AGA brand & maintains usability. AGA’s devoted followers are now able to use the site on mobile devices & can more easily navigate their content, advancing them toward their goal of finding a loving, permanent home for even more Golden Retrievers.


Streamlined store experience

One of the features we focused on creating a better user experience for was the Golden Store, which was an important way for AGA to bring in income as a non-profit. We built the store into their new site using WooCommerce, making it much easier for users to search for, learn about, & purchase products than on their previous site, & provided some much-needed organization.


Responsive breakdown of illustrations

AGA’s beautiful illustrations were the essence of their brand – but, as they were hand drawn instead of digitally created, it was difficult to implement on a responsive website. However, knowing the importance of these illustrations to the client & the brand, we spent a lot of time piecing together smaller illustration elements to ensure that everything would break down correctly on different device widths, keeping their lovable spirit intact.


User-friendly organization

As we worked with AGA, one of our main goals was to add better structure & organization to the site, making it easier for the user to find what they were looking for & intake the content. We restructured the site architecture & renamed pages in an effort to create more clarity for the user. We also utilized design elements & techniques to break up the content on each individual page, making it easier to consume & therefore more effective.